Volcano High
The show revolves around a problematic high school student named Kim Kyung-Soo. From the simple subtitles, I gather that he was transferred from school to school. Finally, Volcano High accepted him. It is an institution where several students displayed incredible kung fu skills. Some even had mysterious psychic powers.
Between plots, Kim was drawn into fights between the different school clubs. There’s also a secret Manual that could hold Great Powers and a group of 5 teachers roped in by the principal to check the students’ discipline or rather, maintain some order.
The final showdown between Kim and the 5 teachers remind me of the 1980 film, Superman II whereby Superman squares off with 3 baddies similarly dressed in black. Oh, and the fighting sequences in Volcano High did bear some resemblance to those Matrix scenes. Great stuff.
I was pretty much glued to the TV. Luckily, manage to stop my daughter from rolling down the couch in time. Phew.
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